Wednesday, May 31, 2006

You Don't Hear That Every Day

On Bank Holiday Monday we went to check out the new hangings at Tate Modern. I love that place. Whenever we go it is filled with families and children. There isn't the rush and intensity of the pay as you go art galleries and the frightful snobs are well outnumbered by tourists, students and the aforementioned families.

You can't really be pompous going into the Turbine Hall, it just gets lost in the immensity.

The other thing about it being free is that there is no pressure to see everything in one go. We did a floor at our own pace, planning to go back in a week or so and do another. Almost everyone else (apart from the tourists, I suppose) have the same attitude, making it a relaxed and fun experience.

And, unbelievably, a meeting place. The wonderful technology of mobile phones means that the old type of 'meet you outside the main entrance' can be replaced by far more detailed instructions. I heard the following half of a conversation.

"Yes, where are you?
"I'm inside.
"No, er... second floor I think.
"No, I'm standing in Surrealism.
"Surrealism. I'm by Narcissus.
"OK. See you in a minute. By Narcissus."

Snap of the phone closing, then back to intense communion with art.

Truly Surreal.


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