Monday, April 10, 2006

Now I feel better

Close shave where I had to listen to Atkins drivelling earlier in the week, but other than that life has been largely full of a lung infection and the inevitable effect on my digestive system of large quantities of antibiotics.

It is good that George W Bush gives me something to think about to take my own slight troubles off my mind. So if the voice in his head tells him to nuke Iran he will because that is his destiny. I have met a lot of Americans and have have counted many amongst my friends, but it is almost as if there are two different races there. I remember the Question Time after 9/11 where Dimlebore obviously expected there to be a relentless outpouring of sympathy for the US and the representative Ambassador on the panel. There was some, but there was also plenty of criticism, and it incensed the BBC into a grovelling apology for the incorrectness of the views of the audience.

Some Americans cannot understand why so much of the world hates them so much. It is not a hatred of 'freedom'. It is a hatred of naked greed, rampant capitalism and the unflinching support of nasty, fascist regimes. It is a hatred of McDonalds, the IMF and the endless apologies for the terrorist government in Israel. Most of the world do not want to be Americans.

American foreign policy will always be mired in problems so long as a significant number of its creators are limited to the viewpoint from inside their heads. "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me."

What other country could come up with a quote like that?


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