Saturday, May 20, 2006

Blasphemy Is Good For You

This is getting ridiculous.

Christian groups around the world want the the film of The Da Vinci Code preceded by an announcement that the film is fiction; those that don't want it banned completely because it is blasphemous. What is going on? Christianity is a myth, based on imaginary events and a preposterous, prehistoric view of the universe. Do I insist that every copy of the Bible be preceded by a note that it is bollocks and an insult to the intelligence?

If a religion isn't robust enough to teach its followers to deal with contrary points of view it is worth nothing. Any belief system that is reliant on protection from fiction, let alone rigorous intellectual criticism, is bankrupt.

But we knew this already. Religion is a form of mental illness. In its mild form it results in nothing more than a slight disconnection from reality, and the social company of other sufferers brings a feeling of belonging and purpose. In extreme form the symptoms are denial, delusion and paranoia, allowing the patient to commit acts of extreme violence in the name of imaginary beings. Following the instructions of internal voices is considered normal, and an unhealthy preoccupation with death and suffering is not uncommon.

It is important to stand up to this nonsense whether it is the teaching of creationism and ID as if they were respectable scientific theories, or the acceptance of limitations to artistic or other freedoms in order to protect religious sensitivies.

All that is required for religion and superstition to triumph is that good people do nothing.


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