Friday, August 09, 2013

Another Challenging Sunday

Necessarily short because I am having too write this on the slow and poorly designed Apple iShit.

Another Sunday that began with love and cuddles and included being punched and scratched and a full mug of tea thrown over the floor. Purple nails. I forgot how much trouble they caused last time. I don't know what it is about the colour - other shades of nail varnish cause no problems - but if she eats anything with her fingers she is convinced it is some rotten purple food and will not put it in her mouth. 

I can't work with this crap. I will continue tomorrow when I can use a proper computer.

Some six weeks later....

Well I had the best of intentions. A lot has happened but let me try to do it in some kind of order...

Purple nail varnish.

"What's wrong with the food?" I say.

"Look", she says, pulling a bit of food loose between her fingers. "See?"

I take it from her fingers. "What? There is nothing wrong with it."

"LOOK",  she takes it from my hand and points at her nails.

"That's your nail", I say.

"You eat it then!" she cackles.

I take the food from her fingers and put it in my mouth.

"YOU ARSEHOLE!" short hard laugh. She leans forward, picks up a full cup of tea and deliberately empties it over the floor.

All suggestions gratefully accepted.


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